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COP26: How does the world stop temperatures from rising above 1.5C?
COP26: Why countries are aiming to keep temperature rises at no more than 1.5 °C
Responding to the IPCC report: Keeping 1.5C Alive | COP26 Presidency Event | UN Climate Change
Did Cop26 solve the climate crisis? The hope and heartache from Glasgow
COP26: Scientists warn planet will warm by 2.4 Celsius despite commitments
LIVE: COP26 panel, including Al Gore, discuss what it will take to keep 1.5 degrees Celsius alive
After COP26: where do we go from here?
Beyond COP26: Next steps in the fight against climate change
COP26: What does 1.5 really mean?
COP26: Climate at 'one minute to midnight', warns PM
#COP26 Responding to the IPCC report: Keeping 1.5C Alive
In full: UN reveals landmark climate change IPCC report findings